Your Smalls Appeal

Advance the health and education of the poorest girls in Africa.

Donate Sanitary Pads, Bras & Menstruation Kits to Africa

Your Smalls Appeal was set up in January 2016 as an initiative to empower girls around the world. The aim of the initiative is to support young girls and women in developing countries like such as The Gambia. We do this by sending your donated recycled bras, sanitary pads, new pants, and buying reusable menstruation pads to rural villages across Africa. Our aim is to provide as many girls as possible in these poor rural areas with either a pack of sanitary pads or a menstruation kit to ensure they don’t miss a day from having a full education. The bras give the girls support and security while they are developing into aspiring young women.

We also support a growing number of children access to education by paying their tuition, uniform, and school books. 
Menstruation Kits
Donate Bras

Girls still miss school and can be seen as a burden to their families when menstruating! The Your Smalls Appeal sends packs made in the UK and also buys reusable Hygiene Packs made in the Gambia by trafficked and sexually exploited girls. This means the money we send from some of your cash donations stays within the country. The women who make the hygiene packs sell them to schools where young girls and women go to school and work. The packs then allow the girls to stay at school while menstruating.

Together we can help all girls walk to school feeling safe, secure, and with dignity.

The initiative works through recycling an important item of clothing we take for granted, something is thrown away once it is out of fashion or no longer feels comfortable. A vital and essential item used by girls and women everywhere -The Bra! Sanitary pads are expensive and in some countries hard or even impossible to buy on a regular basis.

The Your Smalls Appeal receives all styles of bras and sports bras, then sends them to those in need. We were shocked that there are still women in the world who do not have access to this basic item of clothing. Sending packs or pads and helping us to buy reusable sanitary pads are vital to keeping girls in school

Since its initial launch, we now receive regular donations from ladies connected to local business networking groups, churches, and generous ladies who have heard about the appeal through various social media platforms and of course the girls and mums at various schools and colleges.


Recycled and new bras keep breasts secure and comfortable. Menstruation kits ensure young girls feel secure, comfortable and protected from infection.

No girl should be excluded from the change of an education. Menstruation kits ensure girls can come to school during their periods.

Recycled bras support the healthy growth of developing young girls. Ladies also need support to maintain the shape of the breasts.

Schooling helps to keep girls safe and protected.
The provision of clean sanitary products keeps
women and girls free from infection.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money to support a child's education in Africa